Symptoms Usually, conjunctivitis starts in one eye and follows to the other. It is difficult to control the spread to the other. The common symptoms are
- Infiltraion, irritation & itching of the eye(s) with redness
- Redness more markedly occur in fornix and inner aspect of eyelids
- Excessive lachrymation(Watering) (especially in initial stages)
- Muco purulent discharges (especially in initial and middle phase)
- Sensation of foreign body in the eye (like sand or irritants) - gritty feeling
- Swelling of eyelids – sometimes puffiness of face
- Sensitive to touch and light with glaring and blurring vision (photophobia)
- Eyelids get glued in the morning due to drying up of sticky purulent discharges
- Heaviness of eyes with headache
- Dos
- Give rest to eyes periodically by closing it completely for some time
- Blink 2-3 times to revive normal tears flow / spread while feeling dryness or irritation
- Wash eyes 4-5 times a day or as required with cool water
- Wear dark goggles to protect eyes from glaring lights / dry wind / hot sun
- Wipe secretions / tears with clean kerchief or towel (different one for each eye)
- Wash hands often with soap or disinfectant to keep clean and avoid spread
- Keep hands away from the infected eye
- Consult your health professional or ophthalmologist immediately, if your condition gets worse.
Avoid- Touching / picking / rubbing / squeezing the eyes
- Chlorine water for washing eyes
- Dispose wipe tissues or clothes properly and immediately
- Sharing towels, tissues, cloths, pillows, eye drops, cosmetics, etc.
- Going to office / school to avoid spreading further to others
- Hot (water) compress since it may cause increased blood flow to cause more redness
- Hair driers
- Watching TV / working in computer for a long time
- Exposure to smoke, wind, dust, chemical fumes, strong soaps, shampoos, etc.
- Smoking, snuffing, drinking
- Steroidal drugs to avoid complications
- Self-medication and home remedies
- Contact lenses
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